Cherish Lewis New Breeder Scheme
This scheme is a business plan made by Cherish Lewis LTD, the money you pay is to join the plan, you do not get full ownership of the kitten you choose straight away. However, you will be our business partners and receive all the benefits below. We will sign a business contract when you join, and you can have the kitten's full ownership once you met all the conditions on the business contract. This scheme is brief, it is customized depending on the kitten and your ability to take care of the kitten, every individual or company will have different content.

Being a breeder is not that easy, it requires a lot of money with time and effort.
- This scheme is available for anyone who loves ragdoll cats and wants to join the ragdoll breeding.
- You can be a new or experienced breeder.
- You only need to pay a pet kitten's price for a breeding kitten.
- You will need to have time for the kitten and be able to provide a nice suitable home for her.
- Our kittens are from EU champion lines, kittens with breeding rights, current price on the market is 3000- 5000 Pounds. (Join this scheme you only need to pay 1500 pounds for a breeding quality kitten)
What will you get?
- To choose a kitten that you like
- Kitten's lifetime breeding advice
- Full business contract will be signed. 100% no extra charge
- Get the kitten's full ID documents in your name after she has 3 litters. (Usually around 2 years time) Before that we can have joint ownership of the kitten. We will both own the kitten 50/50.
- We will help you pay for first 3 litters' TICA document register fees. (Usually can cost 12USD per kitten)
- You will have ownership of the offspring and all the registered documents in your name straight away after they have been born.
- Reduce your investment risk
(If you decide to keep her as a pet or if she doesn't produce any kitten in the future days you only needed to pay a pet cost which is usually half the price of breeding cat in a normal sale.)
- If you change your mind anytime during the first year. You can give back us the kitten, get back what you paid for, based on she is in healthy condition.

What do we need from you?
- You will need to apply a "Selling animals as pets licence" from your local council before you starting to breed them. (More infomation on govenment website:
- You will return 1 kitten from each of the first 3 litters that you breed from the kitten in future
- You will not sell or give away the kitten under any circumstances unless we have agreed to
- If you decide to buy the kitten outright before she has any litter, and you will need to pay the full price of the breeding cat.
- You will need to provide the kitten clean and warm environment, and feed suitable food.
Is it breaking Lucy's Law?
The answer is NO! You are joining our business plan for a good well to work with us together we breed better quality kittens. For all the kitten's offspring, and we will give you the registered documents to your name straight away after they born. You will not be the third party seller, as you have the ownership of all the offspring kittens. All of these will be clearly state in our business contract.
We are here to help people who loves kittens and willing to spend time and effort to ragdoll breeding, unlike some other catteries take people's money and never replying after the deal.
We abide by the law, we are very clean, there is nothing to hide, some cat breeders do not have a license trying to cybe- bullying us online, because we provide a new business plan to give people the opportunity to start raising the famous ragdoll cats of their dreams. See more information about the incident and list of offenders who Cyber- Bullying us on: